Monday, May 4, 2009


Have you noticed the emergence of some good ol' boy's
clubs and the attention given them by the media? How
there is little or no derogatory coverage given? The
Million Man March on Washington was cheered by many as
an acknowledgement of men taking responsibility for
themselves. The main message was that our culture
should go back in time to when men led and women fol-
lowed or else! Of course. Women are to blame for condi-
tions in the world today because they do not stay in
their PLACE -- place being defined by scripture
written thousands of years ago along with scripture
which commands lots of other things relating to facial
hair, clothing, food and conduct, for example, but these
are mostly ignored.

We saw and heard of the Promise Keepers and learn that
their fundamental message was the same as the MMM.
Both of these clubs excluded women and both based their
belief on their interpretation of words in a book,
called the Bible, which may be summarized as: man, made
in the image of, serves god and woman serves man. (For
you who wish a reference other than those found in the
chapters by Paul, try Titus 2:5.) It was this verse that
a Berryville, Arkansas pastor used recently as the
reason he shut down the church's day-care center. He did
this " get mothers to stay at home because working
mothers neglect their children; damage their marriages and
set a bad example." (We ask, to whom? Working fathers?)

Now, with the same authority of the boy's clubs men-
tioned above, come the Army of God. Pledged to elimi-
nate a woman's reproductive choice (and gays), they do
this by killing. Bombs which are filled with nails and
other hardware that is sure to cause deaths and in-
juries are used by this group to intimidate by terror.
(All these activities blessed by God, presumably.)

This group just intensifies the terrorism induced by
the anti-choice cults who go by many names, one of
which used to be Operation Rescue (until it was fined a
goodly amount for its terrorists acts and dissolved
itself to avoid payment). It has regrouped under
another name and is now marching with fraudulent post-
ers in front of high schools and accosting students.
Although one may see girl/women carrying signs and praying,
this group is run by and financed by men.

Perhaps the most insidious of the newer boy's clubs
have called themselves the Independent Women's Forum.
This one is fronted for the most part by rich, white
wives of rich white men who may have prominent posi-
tions in their own `right' (no pun intended, but be
advised they are conservatives). This group gives the
boy's clubs a female confirmation of their "facts".
They joined in with the anti-choice lie that abortion causes
cancer, and more recently they are in full cry denounc-
ing efforts to get more medical research to include
women. They insist that silicone breast implants are
perfectly safe and that women are being hysterical.
They defend the medical establishment's penchant for
using mostly males in their studies. (mona charen is
their prime media mouthpiece.)

One must also include in these boy's clubs, an anti-
choice group calling itself *F*-ists for Life. They
send speakers around to hate-radio-talk-shows to insist
that *F*-ists are against abortion. The speakers claim
to be knowledgeable in biology and medicine but are
stumped by even the most elemental of questions.

As you may have noticed, some of the enforcement arms of
these boy's clubs are girl/women. Girl/women who `man' the
terrorist lines in front of women's clinics; girl/women
who call daily to local and national hate-radio to
derogate their own gender; girl/women who find the role
of bully for the boys very much to their liking; girl/women
who support and wish to enforce the return of the woman's
role as handmaiden and girl/women who remind us of . . . ?

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