Monday, May 4, 2009


Now that March elections are upon us (in some locali-
ties) you may have noticed the political rhetoric
warming up. Soon all of us women will feel the real
heat, the real passion of politicians who were bowled
over by the gendergap last November. They are, as we
speak, getting revved up to woo you with sweet talk and
flowery promises. Beware, and be aware of the hidden
stinger of the bees in their posies.

One of our major political parties is now is serious
disagreement with its past policies regarding their
announced intentions to overturn women's reproductive
rights. This is a difficult time for them as over a
third of their membership and more than half of their
financial backing is flat out ANTI-CHOICE and demand
that it be shouted out.

"Well, yes. So are we," say the others, "but we can't
win elections by shouting this out. Look what happened
to us last November. We must woo the dumb broads, the
loose lezzies and the scuzzy radical feminazis so they
will vote for us. We must embrace their issues loving-
ly and deep six any mention of our anti-choice program.
O.K. Keep it in the party platform but just don't call
attention to it."

In addition to the above, this political party has direc-
ted its faithful to "put up and finance women candidates
because women vote for women" and "if a suitable woman
is not available, then the male candidate MUST be handsome
since women vote *with their hormones."

(Swoon, gasp) In the face of these obvious deceptions,
whatever is a woman to do? Answer: *VOTE*

But vote with a thorough knowledge and understanding of
each candidates REAL position and KNOW WHAT THEIR PARTY

What if a candidate is a woman who says she is pro-
choice? Check her record. Has she put her influence
and power where her mouth is? Is her record consistent
with her party's platform or yours? We are all for
getting more women into political leadership roles but
must realize that some times the woman for the job is a
man with a proven track record who has consistently
supported *human* programs.

The concept of "women's issues" like the concept of
"soccer moms" has been used to marginalize women and put
them to one side in the political process. Our issues
are human issues and we should not allow politicians to
manufacture or control our rhetorical meanings and we
should certainly not ape them ourselves.

We just flat out don't need to. We've already got them
running scared from the gendergap of the November
elections. They know now that we are cohesive group, a
powerful political force to be reckoned with.

So don't let them get away with blathering about wom-
en's issues and sweet talk you into supporting programs
that are harmful to the health of human beings --
women, children or men. Be an informed, adult voter and
a wise old owl. Leave the phonies at the alter!

We want to thank all of you who responded with sugges-
tions concerning what steps we may take to access our
health care providers in safety and freedom from prose-
lytizing. We were reminded that our plans might be
better kept within secure women's groups and/or posted
in clinics, for example. So we're sending on your sugges-
tions to some of these groups to disseminate.

Once again we want to tell you how much we appreciate
your interest and remind you that we are trying hard to
keep up with your comments/suggestions, and the ever
increasing number of people subscribing to this list.

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