Monday, May 4, 2009

OBJECT (a thing) Vs OBJECT (to oppose)

Do all possessions have a gender? Like, for instance,
ships, cars and women? Have you ever heard an inanimate
OBJECT referred to as he/him? How did women get to
become objects? Easy question. Because for thousands
of years only men were recognized as persons and women
were their possessions. The harder question is why
women do not OBJECT, why we continue to reinforce this
by acting like objects.

If this seems unfair, think about the following two
sentences. There is agreement that men want to objectify
women and see them as breasts and long legs. Many women
wear cloths that show vast amounts of cleavage and leg.

Why aren't we acknowledging that the rash of inappro-
priate acts occurring in our schools at all levels is
the "training" of our culture's family values and its
media? Why wouldn't a youngster dis girls when he is
taught that it's OK? When he is taught that males are
superior and women are prey? And when most girls are
taught that they are non-people/victims?

Children learn from so many sources even the comics!
There is "Kathy", a daily reminder that women are just
foolish, vain and useless. Contrast this message with
that given to boys and girls by the Mark Trail strip.

A recent "Dennis the Menace" strip presented Dennis and
Joey going out to build a snow man. Mother suggests that
they build a snow woman. Boys decide to do this.
They note that it can be small because "girls" are
small (woman = girl). When they find that what they
have built is a snow MAN despite their intentions, they
decorate it: a silly hat, an apron and makeup turn
three snow balls with a carrot nose and eyes of coal
into a woman. (note that large and/or tall women are
not even a consideration; and woman = girl (a female
*child*) at whatever age or state of maturity she may
obtain. This goes along with the male-defined
women/girl as small, insignificant, not an adult as a
man is.

Have you seen the pictures of RuPaul, the female impersonator,
both as a him and a her? Why is it funny when a female is
impersonated and not when a male is? Why is there a
psycological "behavior deviation" when men cross-dress, but
when women do (in the words of Freud) this is not deviant
because wanting to "be" a man ie a human being is understand-
able but wanting to be a woman ie object, is sick.

Historically, we have seen that when there is a Godess/
God parity, there is near parity of the genders.
Equal- or non-gender deities do not support the kind of
rules our culture has imposed on us, such as `might makes
right', so the weak (women) must not only be a subordi-
nate but also a lesser being than the strong (men).

For thousands of years, women have turned round and
round on the wheel of a culture largely driven by men.
As has been said, if we do not learn from history,
we are destined to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it,
each generation going round and round without hope. So
many women already have spun off into oblivion in dispair,
having let go of their quest for personhood because of
the time in which they lived. We live in a time when we
have choices. Carpe Diem! Seize the day!

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